About us

Founded in 1991, the National Association for Children and Adults with Autism from Romania (ANCAAR) is the first association of people with autism caregivers established in Romania. Our mission is to increase the quality of life for people with autism and their families. The Association has 8 branches in the country, a total number of 180 members, and each branch is independent.

All the ANCAAR’s activities meet the family and the ASD person: consultancy and counselling programs for  families with people with ASD, coordinating and implementing therapy programs for all age groups, facilitate the increase of socialization skills, communication and independent living by organizing  occupational therapy workshops and therapeutic camps.

The “Therapeutic Camp” program is funded and run by ANCAAR every year since 2002, on mountains and sea areas, both summer and winter. This program aims to familiarize the individual with ASD with the independent living and support him in learning independent living skills for personal autonomy. Beneficiaries are moving into a totally new environment and are guided to work properly. The intervention team creates learning opportunities and identify solutions in similar situations independent living.

National Campaign “The Man Behind Autism”,  was established  in 2011, and aimed at bringing to the forefront the man behind the autism label, with all his  abilities and skills and to show that it is possible to reach personal performance, by adequate training and support.

“The artist Behind Autism” event conducted  in partnership with the Romanian Cultural Institute (in first edition), the City Hall of Bucharest 3rd district by the Cultural Centre “Casa Eliad” (in second edition), and the Central University Library “Carol I”, (in the third, fourth and fifth edition). The project aims to promote the artistic talents of people with autism who received therapeutic and skill development programs conducted by ANCAAR.

The therapeutical and intervention team is made of vocational counsellor, physical therapist, speech therapist, clinical psychologist, recovery pedagogue, combined arts worker, social worker, nurse and artists.

Lobby and advocacy – ANCAAR actively participate in consultation meetings with civil society, as a representative of NGOs in the field of autism. ANCAAR team members regularly attend meetings with the authorities.

Workshops and training courses– ANCAAR regularly offers courses opportunities, training and information sessions in the Autism Spectrum Disorder field, for both parents and experts. ANCAAR’s trainers came to meet all subsidiaries and other institutions from ASD field with specialized trainings and specific organizational management programs. Disseminating our experiences and prepare specialists at a high level of training are the part of the main objectives of the association.

Annual conferences – ANCAAR annually organise events, for information and training for all those interested in the issue of autism, with local and foreign lecturers. ANCAAR brings into the public attention to good practices, innovative approaches and emerging methods for the person with autism therapy.

Published or translated books–  ANCAAR has published several publications, individually or in partnership with other institutions. More info here.